Friday, February 2, 2018

Friday Post. February 2, 2018

Friday Post. February 2, 2018:

1. This week, we created a new blog for the year. We learned about the Super Blue Blood Moon, where the next Olympics will be, and what the Australian Open is. We also did some coding within our blog and predicted our grades. 

2. The coding we learned this week was how to change our blog posts colours , how to create a table, and how to put images in said table.

3. One piece of technology I depend on is my computer because it's how I do a lot of things, like watch YouTube, edit videos, and play games I can't on consoles or phones. 
     Another piece of technology I depend on is my router. You need a router to access the internet and a lot of things I do require the internet. Without it, I'b be stuck not  being able to do nearly as many things as I'm able to do now. I also wouldn't know nearly as many things about video games and technology as I do now either.

4. In my tech future, I see VR as a much cheaper, less ill-feeling way of entertainment. I also see the graphics and accuracy of VR improving massively. I also see Online currency taking over in the near future. I think physical money will be completely forgotten about and all of our money will be put online. Physical money will not exist.

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