There are a lot of challenges in this game. The biggest one is being able to balance out your heat, thirst, hunger, and sleep bars. They fall fast, but if you're skilled enough, you may be able to keep all of them full for quite some time. I can't.
One of the things you should always do is make water. It's easy and will keep your thirst bar full for a LONG time. To make water, start a fire and boil the snow, then boil that water you just made. It's too unsafe to drink after only 1 boil.
One thing I now do every time I restart the game is head to this broken cabin. Sometimes, you'll find a hatchet, which really helps for getting wood. It doesn't always happen though, but it's close enough to the starting cabin that it's worth the look. I also found a bunch of run-down trains, but I forgot to take screenshots of them. Sorry.
Every once in a while, you might run into a dead, frozen corpse. If you loot them, they could have anything from clothing, food, or most importantly NOTHING!!! They're usually found near or around human-made structures, but can sometimes be found in the middle of nowhere.
Today, I learned that by heading to the area that I went to yesterday, I'm actually heading the wrong way, so I decided to head in the opposite direction.
I found two run-down trains before I died of hypothermia. I did get a rifle from one of the trains, but I got attacked by a wolf quickly afterwards after I missed my shot. I tried 3 times today not today, but failed all 3 times. One time I gave up because a blizzard appeared, meaning I couldn't even leave my cabin without freezing to death too quickly. I also learned that if you throw a stone at a rabbit and hit it, you can kill it and eat it. This is important, because it means you don't need a gun to survive in this game.
To get charcoal, go to a dead fire, left click on it, and click "Take Charcoal" on the bottom right corner of the screen. You use charcoal to make a map on the ground to make a map. The picture up above is what I was able to make using the charcoal.
Here are some survival tips: 1, find food as fast as you can. It's the hardest thing to keep full. 2, collect rocks to throw at rabbits. 3, stay at your cabin until the beginning of day 2, then run to behind the cabin until you hit a wall, then go left until you find the train tracks. Loot everything there and head left, following the tracks. You'll be heading towards the lighthouse. 4, take EVERYTHING from the cabin. You're going to need all of it. And 5, if you find multiple pieces of clothing, wear the one that will keep you the warmest.