Tip: Stay at the cabin for as little time as possible. The longer you stay there, the less food you will have by the time you leave, and food is scarce. You'll also have less time to make it to the lighthouse, since you only have 7 days to get there.
Task/question 2: Today, we were supposed to make a Fishing Tackle. You make one by first making a hook and a line. You make the hook out of scrapped metal and the line out of cured gut. You can turn certain things you get in the cabin into scraped metal, but when it comes to the gut, it's not that easy. Guts are found when you kill an animal, but what you get from it is a different kind of gut. For it to turn into a cured gut, you have to wait 5 DAYS for the other gut to age into it. I have no idea how you can make this any other way. Sometimes, though you can find a fishing tackle just lying around, which makes tings a lot easier.
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